Friday, February 1, 2008

Not moving on w/my chapters, but rambling

I'm really hoping that I can make it to church on Sunday. I've been so sick with a horrible cold and a sore throat, which kept me from church last Sunday. I'm actually quite happy we didn't go last Sunday, because this was Sunday. If I had to drive home in that weather from Ashland I wouldn't have just been crying I would've pulled over and started praying really hard and hope that we miraculously made it home. I hear that the weather is supposed to be crappy again this Sunday and I hope it's not. I love Fast Sunday. I love to hear everyone's testimonies and in a way it always strengthens mine. I know that this Sunday because of the passing of President Gordon B. Hinkley there will amazing testimonies because of this great man and I definitely do not want to miss those. I don't like it when I miss church and I really can't believe that I missed out on so many years. There's no point in looking back and now all I can do is move forward, and be thankful that I was given the inspiration to allow my children the opportunity to learn the gospel and to be raised in such a wonderful church. My husband has been so positive lately regarding church and if we skip too many weeks I'm scared that his positive will dwindle down to negative... we all know that it is so easy to happen. We are having the missionaries over for dinner next Friday and I'm excited for Gino to sit down and talk with them. The first time that missionaries came over (along w/Gino's boss & wife) Gino left. I think he was a bit overwhelmed, but baby steps. We just have to take baby steps.

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