Monday, January 7, 2008

1 Nephi Chapter 4

You can read 1 Nephi Chapter 4 HERE

Even though Nephi and his brothers had failed in the past Nephi was still motivated to keep the Lord's commandment in getting the records from Laban. Even though keeping the commandment was hard, he still was determine to keep it. His faith in God helped him. His brothers could not understand why even after having angel come before them. His brothers had no faith. They had not prayed to God w/all of their hearts.

Nephi put all of his trust into God. He actually killed another human, a relative of his, for God. At first I thought ~ why would God have Nephi kill somebody? But, it makes sense after what Joseph Smith said ~ “That which is wrong under one circumstance, may be, and often is, right under another" This could be opened up into a whole other topic of discussion, but what I get from this statement is that God gives us commandments, but understands that there are circumstances that they need to be broken. For instance...self defense. What if we were to kill somebody who was attacking us? Would we be condemned for not upholding the "Thou shall not kill" commandment?

What are your thoughts on this?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We studied this tonight as a family. I skipped the killing part because my four-year-old wouldn't understand, and focused on the importance of the brass plates. I think my 8-year-old understood some of it, although she wanted to hear the whole story untainted. :)