Wednesday, May 7, 2008

1 Nephi Chapter 8

You can read 1 Nephi Chapter 8 HERE

To be honest I'm having a really hard time grasping what the message in this chapter is. I know it's right in front of my face and I think I might be looking too hard. I've actually sat on this chapter for some time now trying to figure it out. So, I am going to ask others for their input.

Here's kindof what I'm getting and I could be completely off base here. There were 4 different groups 1) The people who just got completely lost on their way to the tree of life. 2) People who made their way there and partook of the fruit yet felt ashamed as people were mocking the. 3) People who desired the building more than the tree & 4) The people who had no shame. Basically, it goes with following the gospel in a way to me....

1) There are people who get lost and are in the darkness and don't have a clue on what they should be doing with their life. 2) Being a Mormon it is difficult with our society. People judge. People mock. I can see how it can be very easy to be ashamed and to turn the other way... go with the bad, because it might seem better at the time than being mocked. I can especially see this with being a teen. 3) People desire wrong over good. We have all been given a choice to follow what God wants us to do or not. Some people go with selfish desires over what God knows is best for you. 4) The people that stand up for what they know is true. They are not ashamed.

When Lehi first had his vision he was in darkness. It's like our life here. Through prayer God took that away. Wouldn't that work for us all? Through sincere prayer shouldn't we be able to find the path that we are supposed to be on?

What do you think? Am I completely off base or are you seeing here what I'm seeing. What else can you add to this.


Anonymous said...

You are right on track - and you are grasping it very well. Nephi wanted to understand like you, so he prayed as you mentioned. The next few chapters - starting at 10 I believe (I'd have to look it up to be sure and my computer batt is dying) have the interpretation of the dream and will give you even further understanding. Lets talk more once you have read the interpretation.


Dianna said...

Yes, you've got it! Sometimes I wish we had a real iron rod to grab, it seems so concrete and easy. But then I think it would probably be harder than it seems. I stray so easily, and I rationalize and I forget what is important.

Amanda said...

Thank you, girls for you input!! I actually started writing my post without a clue of what to write and then it just all started coming together. I'm glad I wasn't far off like I thought I was!!