Wednesday, April 9, 2008

1 Nephi Chapter 7

You can read 1 Nephi Chapter 7 HERE

The first thing I want to talk about is that this Chapter is how Nephi's brothers have seen an angel of God and yet they still rebel against God. It's easy to forget. It's easy if you don't do the things you are supposed to do and do it faithfully we can all forget. In this Chapter Nephi kept asking how his brothers have forgotten all of the good that God has done for them. All of the blessings handed to them. It's so easy to forget, but we're not supposed to. Before when I used to pray I'd instantly jump into begging for blessings. I don't do that anymore. The first thing I do when I pray is thank Heavenly Father for every blessing that is given to me daily, and there are so many of them. Living. The fact that we have another day on this earth with our families is the biggest blessing of all. We cannot forget where we come from, who we are here for, and what it is that we are supposed to be doing. Do I forget? Everyday. It's when I connect with Heavenly Father while reading my scriptures, writing on this blog, or even my other blog, praying that I remember. We are here to be obedient to Heavenly Father. The only way that we can do that is through DAILY prayer, scripture study, and a lot of time spent together as a family.

The first time my husband went to church he said, "It makes you not want to do anything bad." EXACTLY! That is the reason why we are supposed to have God in our daily lives. It makes us not want to rebel against him.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!!


Anonymous said...

I whole heartedly agree and I am glad you pointed out the importance of remembering to be obedient in the simple day to day things such as prayer and scripture study. I find that I am more likely to forget things of importance in my callings and other things when I forget the simple daily thigns.

Two other things that struck me upon reading this chapter:

1. The love Nephi has for his brothers - it is so apparant the great love he has for them. Here they try to kill him, beat him, bind him and he forgives them again and again, and not just a begrudging forgiveness but an honest forgiveness full of love. I remind myself about his willingness to forgive when someone does something at which I could take offense - at least their not trying to kill me ;-) But honestly, sometimes we let the silliest things impede our progression because we fail to forgive - and here is Nephi lovingly forgiving his brothers after they tried to KILL him. I love the freedom that comes with the willingness to forgive.

2. It is apparant to me also how much the Lord loves Laman and Lemuel. I would get so annoyed with them sometimes - how can they be so thick skulled? But then as I have read and re-read I have realized how many chance the Lord gave them out of love. And, I have also realized that I can be and have been rather thick skulled myself. I am grateful to the Heavenly Father for his love and for giving us numerous chances to repent and get on the right track.

Allright, so there is my epistle and my feelings as I read the 7th chapter. :-)

Momzoo said...

Great Blog. I like how you express yourself, you make us "Mormons" sound really normal! LOL!!! Thanks for being brave and talking about the religion.